artificial intelligence

Natural Language Processing: Understanding its techniques, limitations and future potential

The recent emergence of GPT and large language models (LLMs) has ignited a new golden age in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) research, bringing Natural Language Processing (NLP) back to the forefront of the field. ChatGPT is the fastest growing application in history, amassing 100 million active users in less than 3 months. And despite volatility of the technology sector, investors have deployed $4.5 billion into 262 generative AI startups.

While it’s uncertain if this remarkable momentum is sustainable, one thing is clear: LLMs and NLP have ‘crossed the chasm’ into the mainstream, revolutionizing how we all engage with technology. In this blog post, we'll explore the techniques, applications, challenges, and future potential of NLP, providing concrete examples along the way to help you better understand this fascinating domain.

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The main goal of NLP is to enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is both meaningful and useful. NLP plays an essential role in many applications you use daily—from search engines and chatbots, to voice assistants and sentiment analysis.

History of NLP

NLP has its roots in the 1950s with the development of machine translation systems. The field has since expanded, driven by advancements in linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. Milestones like Noam Chomsky's transformational grammar theory, the invention of rule-based systems, and the rise of statistical and neural approaches, such as deep learning, have all contributed to the current state of NLP.

Most recently, transformers and the GPT models by Open AI have emerged as the key breakthroughs in NLP, raising the bar in language understanding and generation for the field. In a 2017 paper titled “Attention is all you need,” researchers at Google introduced transformers, the foundational neural network architecture that powers GPT. Transformers revolutionized NLP by addressing the limitations of earlier models such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM). 

They employ a mechanism called self-attention, which allows them to process and understand the relationships between words in a sentence—regardless of their positions. This self-attention mechanism, combined with the parallel processing capabilities of transformers, helps them achieve more efficient and accurate language modeling than their predecessors. 

GPT, short for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, builds upon this novel architecture to create a powerful generative model, which predicts the most probable subsequent word in a given context or question. By iteratively generating and refining these predictions, GPT can compose coherent and contextually relevant sentences. This makes it one of the most powerful AI tools for a wide array of NLP tasks including everything from translation and summarization, to content creation and even programming—setting the stage for future breakthroughs. 

8 techniques used in NLP

To better understand the mechanics of how language models work, let's explore eight popular techniques for processing and understanding natural language. We will illustrate each technique with the following example sentence: "I was happily walking around the Apple campus eating an apple."

1. Tokenization

Tokenization is the process of breaking down text into individual words or phrases, called tokens. For our example, tokens would be: ["I", "was", "happily", "walking", "around", "the", "Apple", "campus", "eating", "an", "apple"]. This technique is crucial for further analysis and processing, such as counting word frequencies or creating a bag-of-words representation.

2. Stemming

Stemming reduces words to their root or base form, eliminating variations caused by inflections. For example, the words "walking" and "walked" share the root "walk." In our example, the stemmed form of "walking" would be "walk."

3. Lemmatization

Lemmatization, similar to stemming, considers the context and morphological structure of a word to determine its base form, or lemma. It provides more accurate results than stemming, as it accounts for language irregularities. In our example, the lemma of "walking" would still be "walk."

4. Part-of-speech tagging

Part-of-speech (POS) tagging identifies the grammatical category of each word in a text, such as noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. In our example, POS tagging might label "walking" as a verb and "Apple" as a proper noun. This helps NLP systems understand the structure and meaning of sentences.

5. Named entity recognition

Named entity recognition (NER) identifies and classifies entities like people, organizations, locations, and dates within a text. In our example, NER would detect "Apple" as an organization. This technique is essential for tasks like information extraction and event detection.

6. Dependency parsing

Dependency parsing reveals the grammatical relationships between words in a sentence, such as subject, object, and modifiers. It helps NLP systems understand the syntactic structure and meaning of sentences. In our example, dependency parsing would identify "I" as the subject and "walking" as the main verb.

7. Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis determines the sentiment or emotion expressed in a text, such as positive, negative, or neutral. While our example sentence doesn't express a clear sentiment, this technique is widely used for brand monitoring, product reviews, and social media analysis.

8. Topic modeling

Topic modeling is an unsupervised learning technique that uncovers the hidden thematic structure in large collections of documents. It organizes, summarizes, and visualizes textual data, making it easier to discover patterns and trends. Although topic modeling isn't directly applicable to our example sentence, it is an essential technique for analyzing larger text corpora.

Applications of NLP

Now, let's delve into some of the most prevalent real-world uses of NLP. A majority of today's software applications employ NLP techniques to assist you in accomplishing tasks. It's highly likely that you engage with NLP-driven technologies on a daily basis.

Text classification and clustering

NLP enables automatic categorization of text documents into predefined classes or groups based on their content. This is useful for tasks like spam filtering, sentiment analysis, and content recommendation. Classification and clustering are extensively used in email applications, social networks, and user generated content (UGC) platforms.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

NLP powers intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants—like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant—which can understand and respond to user commands in natural language. They rely on a combination of advanced NLP and natural language understanding (NLU) techniques to process the input, determine the user intent, and generate or retrieve appropriate answers.  

Voice recognition and speech synthesis

Voice recognition, or speech-to-text, converts spoken language into written text; speech synthesis, or text-to-speech, does the reverse. These technologies enable hands-free interaction with devices and improved accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

Summarization and information extraction

NLP allows automatic summarization of lengthy documents and extraction of relevant information—such as key facts or figures. This can save time and effort in tasks like research, news aggregation, and document management.

Content generation

NLP can generate human-like text for applications—like writing articles, creating social media posts, or generating product descriptions. A number of content creation co-pilots have appeared since the release of GPT, such as, that automate much of the copywriting process.  

Challenges and limitations of NLP

Despite the significant advancements brought about by LLMs, several challenges remain—including increasing ethical concerns around authenticity, privacy, and intellectual property. Let’s explore some of these limitations.

Ambiguity and Context Sensitivity

Natural language is often ambiguous, with multiple meanings and interpretations depending on the context. While LLMs have made strides in addressing this issue, they can still struggle with understanding subtle nuances—such as sarcasm, idiomatic expressions, or context-dependent meanings—leading to incorrect or nonsensical responses.

Semantic understanding 

Deep semantic understanding remains a challenge in NLP, as it requires not just the recognition of words and their relationships, but also the comprehension of underlying concepts, implicit information, and real-world knowledge. LLMs have demonstrated remarkable progress in this area, but there is still room for improvement in tasks that require complex reasoning, common sense, or domain-specific expertise.

Handling rare or unseen words

NLP systems may struggle with rare or unseen words, leading to inaccurate results. This is particularly challenging when dealing with domain-specific jargon, slang, or neologisms.

Multilingual and multicultural issues

Most NLP systems are developed and trained on English data, which limits their effectiveness in other languages and cultures. Developing NLP systems that can handle the diversity of human languages and cultural nuances remains a challenge due to data scarcity for under-represented classes. However, GPT-4 has showcased significant improvements in multilingual support.

Privacy and ethical concerns

The widespread use of LLM has raised privacy and ethical concerns as legislation is behind the fast technological progress:

  • Authenticity: The ability of LLMs to generate human-like text raises questions about the authenticity of content, making it difficult to distinguish between genuine human-generated content and AI-generated content. This could lead to misinformation, manipulation, or even fraudulent activities.

  • Privacy: As NLP models are often trained on vast amounts of data, some of which may contain sensitive or personally identifiable information, there are concerns about the potential for privacy violations. This is particularly relevant when LLMs inadvertently generate text that contains sensitive information or exposes private data.

  • Intellectual property: LLMs can create content that closely resembles copyrighted material, leading to potential legal disputes and questions about the ownership of AI-generated content.

What the future holds for LLMs and NLP

Looking ahead to the future of AI, two emergent areas of research are poised to keep pushing the field further by making LLM models more autonomous and extending their capabilities. 

1. Self refinement

First, the concept of Self-refinement explores the idea of LLMs improving themselves by learning from their own outputs without human supervision, additional training data, or reinforcement learning. A complementary area of research is the study of Reflexion, where LLMs give themselves feedback about their own thinking, and reason about their internal states, which helps them deliver more accurate answers. 

Both of these approaches showcase the nascent autonomous capabilities of LLMs. This experimentation could lead to continuous improvement in language understanding and generation, bringing us closer to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI)

2. Integrations: 

Second, the integration of plug-ins and agents expands the potential of existing LLMs. Plug-ins are modular components that can be added or removed to tailor an LLM's functionality, allowing interaction with the internet or other applications. They enable models like GPT to incorporate domain-specific knowledge without retraining, perform specialized tasks, and complete a series of tasks autonomously—eliminating the need for re-prompting. 

Auto-GPT, a viral open-source project, has become one of the most popular repositories on Github. For instance, you could request Auto-GPT's assistance in conducting market research for your next cell-phone purchase. It could examine top brands, evaluate various models, create a pros-and-cons matrix, help you find the best deals, and even provide purchasing links. The development of autonomous AI agents that perform tasks on our behalf holds the promise of being a transformative innovation.

Parting thoughts

The future of LLMs and NLP holds immense potential. As models continue to become more autonomous and extensible, they open the door to unprecedented productivity, creativity, and economic growth. 

However, this great opportunity brings forth critical dilemmas surrounding intellectual property, authenticity, regulation, AI accessibility, and the role of humans in work that could be automated by AI agents. 

Despite these uncertainties, it is evident that we are entering a symbiotic era between humans and machines. Future generations will be AI-native, relating to technology in a more intimate, interdependent manner than ever before. 

To see how ThoughtSpot is harnessing the momentum of LLMs and ML, check out our AI-Powered Analytics experience, ThoughtSpot Sage. Or start your free trial to see the power for yourself.