The epic Goa offsite

Spotters + sun + sea + sand = An amazing company offsite event in Goa! 

After more than two years, the ThoughtSpot India team caught up for an unforgettable three-day offsite in Goa. We flew in Spotters from all over India to get together and interact with leaders like Ajeet Singh and Sumeet Arora. It was a huge opportunity for many new Spotters who joined remotely over the last two years, to meet in-person. And the whole experience made me realize how important it is to spend time with the people you work with every day.

Here are my top three takeaways from the event and why I’m looking forward to more of these team events in the future.

Nothing establishes trust like in-person face time

Meeting Spotters in-person helps get a glimpse into their personality, their body language, how they behave outside of their zoom identity, and not forgetting their height (probably the one thing that is most misjudged over zoom!). Just exchanging a few moments face-to-face over drinks or tea and coffee makes a huge difference in establishing trust between team members. I brought back so many memories with so many different people that I can now bring those back in our virtual meetings and make the interaction more engaging. Trust is one of the most important aspects of effective leadership.

Informal conversations help make leaders more approachable

Having in-person conversations in an informal setting significantly helps break the formal and seniority barrier. Team members start to relate to you much better and have more open conversations. It opens the lines of communication and it makes leaders more approachable, thus making them more reliable and consistent. 

The energy we create as a team outside of work is the same energy we'll put back into it

There’s no denying that socializing in-person and making friends in the workplace is one of the best ways to increase productivity. Team building activities and fun events such as offsites, informal meet-ups and parties create a wave of excitement that everyone will ride into the months ahead as we tackle new challenges and reach new heights together.

Keeping the culture alive:

I believe that the company culture is more than what we see in photographs or hear in meetings -  it is something much deeper. It is how every individual in the company operates based on our underlying set of values and fundamental beliefs. At ThoughtSpot, our culture of Selfless Excellence is what drives us - we put our teammates, customers, and society at large ahead of our own personal wins, and we put up with absolutely zero office politics.

Change is inevitable as we scale and move forward on our growth journey. However, it is imperative that every Spotter continues to work on keeping the culture that defines us alive. Such offsites, get togethers and in-person meet-ups nurture our culture greatly, and I’m extremely grateful for having had this opportunity with the offsite in Goa. Until we meet again!

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